2025 2nd International Conference on Smart Grid and Artificial Intelligence (SGAI 2025)
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Prof. Kai Yang

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

(Executive Director of IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Electric Drive Subcommittee)


Prof. Kai Yang, Second-level professor, Doctoral Supervisor, visiting professor of University of Leuven in Belgium and Changwon University in South Korea. He served as the head of the national maker space and incubator of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the director of the Engineering Center of the Ministry of Education for New Motors and Special Electromagnetic Equipment, the executive deputy director of the Collaborative Innovation Center of the Ministry of Strong Electromagnetic Education and the president of Wuhan New Energy Research Institute.   He presided over the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the general projects, the national key R & D project and the key R & D project of Hubei Province, published more than 200 SCI / EI academic papers, published 5 monographs, authorized 50 invention patents, registered 10 software copyrights, took the lead in formulating 2 group standards, won 4 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards special / first prizes, and won the individual award of China 's electric power outstanding scientific and technological workers and China 's industry-university-research cooperation innovation.



Prof. Haiping Xu

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

(Chair of IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Charging and Discharging Technology Subcommittee)


Haiping Xu, male, doctor, researcher, doctoral supervisor. Director of China Electrician Technology Association, Chairman of IEEE PES Electric Vehicle Charging and Discharging Technology Subcommittee, Vice Chairman of IEEE PES Energy Internet Energy Equipment Technology Subcommittee. Long-term engaged in electric vehicles, power electronics and motor system technology, system reliability technology and other aspects of scientific research, has undertaken more than thirty national science and technology, national defense research, natural science foundation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and local government and other major projects, the creation of enterprise joint technology R & D center two. It has accumulated rich research foundation in the design and drive control of new permanent magnet motor, power electronic system, electric vehicle charging and discharging system, electronic product reliability detection and so on. More than 120 papers have been published in important academic journals at home and abroad, including more than 90 SCI & EI papers, 14 national invention patents and seven authorized national invention patents.
